Spirit Week taking place in October
Beginning Monday, October 10, SUA students celebrated Spirit Week to rally students in support of the Breast Cancer Bowl. Spirit Week is an SUA tradition that is cherished by both students and faculty. Spirit week at SUA unites students and reinforces their love for the Arrow community. Each day of Spirit Week, students showcased their school spirit with fun outfits, picnics, and other activities. is year's Spirit Week themes were as follows. Monday: Country Club vs. Country; Tuesday: BBQ Dad vs. Soccer Mom; Wednesday: Grease vs. Ancient Greece; ursday: Teacher vs. Student; Friday: SUA Spirit
Students and teachers alike enjoyed supporting their school by dressing in these festive themes. Ms. Clarke, a theology teacher at St. Ursula believes this event “builds comradery.” Several students expressed additional excitement for dressing up and seeing each others’ creative costumes.
Another important component of Spirit Week at SUA is the in-school activities. On Friday, October , SUA hosted an outdoor picnic to mark the end of Spirit Week. Each class brought their own generous contributions of food and drinks for the picnic. At the end of the day, SUA Student Council held a pep rally to build excitement for the Breast Cancer Bowl held on Sunday, October th.
Fun events such as Spirit Week keep students engaged and happy throughout the school year at SUA. is event brought forth a kind of enthusiasm and community that can only be found at SUA. Overall, Spirit Week succeeded in uniting students across grades and was a great way for SUA to join together in celebration.
Exciting renovations for the TLC are planned to start during Christmas break and be finished before the second semester begins. When asked about the reasoning behind the upcoming renovations, Mrs. Westrick, TLC moderator, stated, “The Learning Commons is being renovated, as it has been quite some time since it has had any updates. We are hoping to make e Learning Commons feel fresh and inviting, but still a cozy and relaxing place to utilize for quiet studying, homework, and tutoring.” Mrs. Karban, a universally loved tutor in e Learning Commons expressed, “e TLC is somewhat the hub of the school. We have a large percentage of the student body that uses it during the school year, as well as it being a great space for parent and teacher meetings. It deserves a little update, redo and TLC!”
Claire HertzFeld
It was recently revealed to the SUA community that e Learning Commons (TLC) is to be renovated during Christmas break in order to provide a better environment for students to study and receive tutoring. e TLC is a place where SUA students can go to receive tutoring, have quiet study time, or complete schoolwork with their classmates. e TLC has helped Arrows over many years to better themselves; Now the SUA community is returning the favor.
Mrs. Blesing, Mrs. Westrick, and Mrs. Karban have each had a major role in deciding the new vision of the room. Final designs include new carpet, paint, and furniture to revitalize the space. Mrs. Westrick explained, “e wall along the windows will have updated seating to resemble a "cofee house style" seating where students can either work with a partner or study with a view of the outdoors. e back corner of the room is meant to be the new quiet studying area furnished with comfy chairs and charging stations. Finally, we will be adding in a wall of white boards and half-circle tutoring tables to provide a more eficient environment for our tutors to utilize.”
Looking forward to the upcoming renovations to the TLC brings excitement to the SUA community. It will be a positive environment for students to receive academic support. e new and improved TLC will certainly be a beneficial space for SUA students both this year and for many years to come.