Students behind the paintings at SUA 

By: Hannah Thebeau 

Over the years at SUA, it has become an ongoing tradition to hold an annual spring art show to display students' work that they produce in their art classes throughout the spring semester. This year's event took place on Wednesday, April 17 and was a huge reflection moment for many of the students who had their art in this show.

SUA’s annual art show has been seen as a memorable event for so many in the school's community. Students are not only able to display their artwork but can also display their musical talents. Things such as playing the piano, singing in a choir concert and displaying web designs are a few of the many forms of artwork that are displayed. 

Hailey Zimmer is a junior at SUA who had many photos displayed in the most recent show. She states that seeing her work displayed made all the tedious time editing her photos in the classroom worth it in the end.

“It's such a good feeling seeing all of my hard work displayed for everyone to see, and it's fun to see everyone else's work as well,” Said Zimmer 

Taking place in the SUA Angela lobby, paintings and pictures were not the only pieces of artwork being displayed. Many students also get to display pieces of pottery and sculpture work from the many sculpting classes that take place throughout the semester.

Brooklyn Highsmith is a junior at SUA who has had many art pieces displayed in the art show before and had some pieces in the most recent showing.

“Having my artwork be displayed for everyone is a cool thing to see,” said Highsmith. “I love seeing my work next to other people's work and looking at what they have been working so hard on as well.” 

Throughout the years at SUA, there has been an increase in unique art classes students can elect to take. After students complete the fundamental art level class, they are open to take any other art classes the school offers. Classes such as web design, photography and ceramics are some of the most requested classes among students.

Many who viewed this semester's spring show described the art show as unique, detailed and showstopping. It is safe to say that many are excited and intrigued about all of the unique artwork that is to come in the future.


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