The Story Behind Career Classes and Class Registration

An overview of career class opportunities and reasoning behind class registration.

By Kyla Gray ‘24           

Career Classes

Many students have wondered why Saint Ursula Academy has fewer career classes related to medical or cosmetology. In recent years, Saint Ursula Academy has had a class called “Women in Health Science.” This class allowed the students to go off campus and visit hospitals to better understand the health field. The students had the opportunity to talk with nurses and experience radiology and other fields. 

Mrs. Shockey mentioned that Saint Ursula Academy used to have a connection with the University of Toledo, which made this experience possible. Students also got to go to a cadaver lab and learn more about what happened there. However, due to COVID-19, this class ended about five years ago.

“To have this class again, there would need to be a teacher committed to this topic and has all of the qualifications,” said Shockey. 

Shockey is at her desk, working hard to complete all classes and registrations. Photo credit: Kyla Gray

Shockey is the woman behind scheduling classes. She explained that eight credits are required because Saint Ursula Academy has four blocks that are an hour and twenty minutes long. Due to these long class hours, study halls make no sense because she’d rather students experience new classes.

Other career classes, such as “Women in Business” and “Women in Education,” allow professionals from businesses and education to come to Saint Ursula Academy and discuss their experiences and daily job routines. These classes give the students a good idea and representation of what it is like to work in a business and teach in schools. 


According to Mrs. Montry, the most popular electives at Saint Ursula Academy are Wellness and Yoga. However, she also mentioned that the dance classes are popular for a “good reason.” Along with the Art Fundamentals, the students are open to more electives. 


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