How to Handle Stress During Exams

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By Avery Lavoy

As the end of term approaches so do exams - a time of stress and worry for everyone.

It is a widely known fact that exams are dreaded by most students as they bring an extreme amount of anxiety into our lives. However, students burdened with the task of exams should take comfort in that they are not alone.

Across America over 80% of high school students struggle with harmful, prolonged stress due to school and exams. Although there is no way to get rid of stress entirely, there are many ways to healthily manage it. Taking exams in high school also prepares students for the rigor of exams in college.  

Many students know of the usual “get 8 hours of sleep and eat a nutritious breakfast,” but there are other, more unheard of ways to relieve stress.

Chewing gum while you're studying may help reduce the amount of cortisol in your brain. Cortisol is a primary stress hormone and may be responsible for your racing heart or clammy palms during an exam.

Another way to reduce these stress levels is by drinking some orange juice because of the vitamin C. Also, preparing for exams by studying on a regular basis will relieve the stress of cramming for exams.

Grounding techniques also help with high anxiety. These grounding activities can be as simple as taking a break from studying and brushing your teeth or putting together a nice snack. Grounding yourself helps distract yourself from the anxious thoughts that bombard your brain and allow you to concentrate on one simple task.

If these techniques don’t work, St. Ursula Academy students have access to many resources provided by the counseling department. This includes a Stress and Anxiety group, the Wellness Room, and more.

If you start to feel overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to meet with your counselor for more ways to deal with stress. 


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