Softball team relaxing by the beach

SUA softball team gathers in a huddle on the field. Photo credit by Kylie Michalak

By Maya Gray ‘24

During this year’s spring break, the SUA softball team hopes to catch some wins while also finding time to relax on the beach in Florida for some team bonding.

When asking Ms. Amy Muszynski where she plans on taking the SUA softball team for spring break, she said they’ll be staying at Cocoa Beach, Florida. The SUA softball team started this tradition of traveling for spring break last year, and plans to keep the tradition alive for years to come. 

“The weather is so terrible here during spring break, so we travel to Florida for team bonding, and good weather to practice in,” said Ms. Muszynski.

Ms. Muszynski doubles as softball coach and a teacher here at SUA. She works hard to make sure her team is able to travel to practice and play in good weather. She starts planning for this trip about ten months in advance. This vacation is funded by the team through fundraising and parent support. 

“The girls have worked Mud Hens games and Walleye games to raise money for this trip,” said Ms. Muszynski.

Every family and player is responsible for finding their own way down to the team hotel, leaving it up to them if they fly or drive. The girls are all required to check in on April 1 and stay in the same hotel to encourage team bonding. This trip for the softball team includes one practice and four games, all played against teams from northwest Ohio. 

Parents aren’t required to stay in the same hotel since the coaches are responsible for their team until checkout on April 5. Some families even choose to come early or stay late to make their own vacation out of this team trip.

Ms. Musynski finds it very important to fit in the schedule some activities for the girls. The beach was a popular request from the team, so Ms. Musynski has chosen a hotel on the beach for the girls. Team meals will also be a part of the schedule to create some team bonding. Most of the games will be in the morning, giving the team the rest of the day to spend time with each other.

SUA softball team gathers in a huddle by the field. Photo by Kylie Michalak

Seniors Kylie Michalak and Noel Mutchler are looking forward to relaxing in the sun and catching some wins during their last spring break of high school.

“We are looking forward to team bonding in a different environment, winning, and going to the beach,” said Michalak and Mutchler in the joint interview.


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