Alumni, Veterans honored during Veterans Day Ceremony
Veterans Day, once known as Armistice Day, is a United States national holiday.
Celebrated on November 11th, Veterans Day originally honored the headline event during the First World War, where every soldier laid down their weapons and called a truce. Now, Veterans Day is devoted to honoring all who have served in the United States military and those who are currently serving. This year on Veterans Day, St. Ursula students, faculty, and staff were invited to an assembly, where they heard about the historical importance of the holiday, listened to some inspiring stories from St. Ursula students, and from veterans themselves.
First to speak was Mr. Maas, who told us the history of Veterans Day. Then, St. Ursula Academy Alumnae and sisters Elena King and Veronica Ruiz-Krause spoke about their experience in the United States military.
After they spoke, Carmen Skaggs, Elizabeth Ortiz, Jenna Lutz, and Saddie Skaggs shared stories about the veterans in their life.
Sadie Skaggs spoke about her grandfather, a platoon leader who received a Silver Star. A Silver Star is a prestigious honor given to those who showed valor in combat.
Carmen Skaggs spoke about her mother, the first female West Point graduate from Toledo, Ohio and its surrounding communities. Her mother was told that women don’t belong in the military, yet she persevered and led a successful military career. These narratives are just two of the countless military stories shared by Americans nationwide.
Like Carmen Skagg's story, the speeches given by Ruiz-Krause and King not only talked about their experience as veterans but also shed light on what it means to be a woman in the military.
In an interview with the veterans, Ruiz-Krause and King agree other people’s doubt about them pushes them to work harder. By having this mentality, King was able to pave the way for other women in the military, such as her younger sister. Ruiz-Krause and King attribute some of their leadership skills to being St. Ursula Alumnae. Leadership is one of the core values of St. Ursula, and Ruiz-Krause and King are examples that prove it.
Ruiz-Krause and King serve their country by being in the military, being role models, and by helping combat discrimination in the United States.
Veterans Day at St. Ursula provided time for students to recognize veterans, learn about the history of the holiday, and be inspired. Inspiring speeches given by veterans and St. Ursula students gave students that ability.