Last All School Mass of 23-24 School Year
By: Ava Pitzen ‘24
On April 18, SUA had their last all school mass of the 2023-2024 school year. Father Jeff McBeth was the priest for this liturgy.
Mrs. Pelz shared how she plans for a mass she gave the insight of behind the scenes. For an upcoming planning of a mass, Pelz used a mass planning sheet that reminds her of the things she needs to plan and what is needed.
“People of SUA rarely see what goes into planning a mass,” said Pelz.
For the readings given by students, Pelz uses the readings of the day that the Catholic Church has assigned unless there is a special celebration, like the seniors’ graduation.
Listening to music in a religious environment strengthens the effects of the words and the lyrics that are being sung. The music we listen to at mass is chosen by Pelz, she chooses these songs based on the topic we are celebrating and then sends it to the performer who will be singing that day.
Many of the students help with things during mass. There are students who walk with the priest and help him through his preaching. For example, a student will hold the bible and others will help prepare for communion.
With this mass taking place in the Easter season, the theme of the liturgy was to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus.
Fr. Jeff talked about the importance of having God in your life and all that He does for us as well as speaking about the Resurrection and what that should mean to us.
Students are not required to receive communion if they are not Catholic, but are encouraged to go up with their arms crossed and receive a blessing from one the campus ministers or the priest.