SUA’s Professional development days
By: Hannah Thebeau
Toledo OH- Students usually see professional development days as an opportunity to sleep in, but faculty and staff at St.Ursula Academy see this time as an opportunity to get caught up on all their work, as well as go further in their careers.
This upcoming week after students finish their exams, teachers, faculty and other staff members will walk into the building during normal school hours. While this is an important day for many, students often don't know what is done during this day.
Mrs. Rachael Decker is both a teacher and a faculty member at SUA and gave us further insight into what happens during these development days. She stated that their days usually start with a professional development class.
“As a teacher when your employer provides professional development, it gives you extra credit towards your license, which is helpful,” said Decker.
Along with learning valuable skills for their careers such as lesson planning and communication skills, teachers also can earn more credits toward their licenses and certifications.
In between these development classes, you can find teachers in their classrooms, working to perfect their lesson plans and grade papers, preparing for the upcoming school days ahead.
Many wonder what takes place on these days when a term of school has concluded. Although it may seem like there is nothing to do, teachers and staff members find this as some of the most valuable time to get things done.
SUA Faculty and staff at last years teacher appreciation week. Photo taken by St.Ursula Academy
“During the time we have in between meetings, grading and preparing for the next term are always at the top of our to-do list,” said Decker.
Many teachers and faculty members expressed that this is a crucial time to plan lessons for the next term, as well as take on any big projects that kept being pushed back.
All of this hard work and dedication to SUA does not go unnoticed. Many times, faculty and staff members will be gifted with coffee, lunch and dress-downs. These actions of gratitude can also be shown during normal school schedules after things such as parent-teacher conferences and midterm week.
Whether the student body sees it or not, SUA faculty and staff do so much behind the scenes to make our school what it is today. That being said, don't ever hesitate to say thank you and express your gratitude for all that they do.